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What is Negotiation, Rejection, and Finding the negotiation in business

What is Negotiation, Rejection, and Finding the negotiation in business

  A business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activitiesIn addition business is a one of organisation to sell or offer services to consumers.There are kind of business such as business online and offline. Nowadays  had a business not only for minorities people and for a certain age as we know people can had a business and no matter their age and from background they could have. To make a business it self it is not easy as each other think, should be have willpower and straggle to make it happen.To attract consumer to buy our product or trust our service we must establish good communication to consumers. In part of business consist of negotiation, rejection, and also finding the negotiation in business.

    Negotiation in business is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). for example in negotiation happen in daily activity such as if you want buy something and occurred bargain with sellers it called negotiation. 
  • The process of negotiation includes the following stages:
  1. Preparation 

Before any negotiation takes place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take place to discuss the problem and who will attend.  Setting a limited time-scale can also be helpful to prevent the disagreement continuing.This stage involves ensuring all the pertinent facts of the situation are known in order to clarify your own position.  In the work example above, this would include knowing the ‘rules’ of your organisation, to whom help is given, when help is not felt appropriate and the grounds for such refusals.  Your organisation may well have policies to which you can refer in preparation for the negotiation.Undertaking preparation before discussing the disagreement will help to avoid further conflict and unnecessarily wasting time during the meeting.

     2. Discussion
During this stage, individuals or members of each side put forward the case as they see it, their understanding of the situation. Key skills during this stage include questioning, listening and clarifyingSometimes it is helpful to take notes during the discussion stage to record all points put forward in case there is need for further clarification.  It is extremely important to listen, as when disagreement takes place it is easy to make the mistake of saying too much and listening too little.  Each side should have an equal opportunity to present their case.

     3. Clarification of goals
From the discussion, the goals, interests and viewpoints of both sides of the disagreement need to be clarified. It is helpful to list these factors in order of priority.  Through this clarification it is often possible to identify or establish some common ground. Clarification is an essential part of the negotiation process, without it misunderstandings are likely to occur which may cause problems and barriers to reaching a beneficial outcome.
    4. Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
This stage focuses on what is termed a 'win-win' outcome where both sides feel they have gained something positive through the process of negotiation and both sides feel their point of view has been taken into consideration. A win-win outcome is usually the best result. Although this may not always be possible, through negotiation, it should be the ultimate goal. Suggestions of alternative strategies and compromises need to be considered at this point.  Compromises are often positive alternatives which can often achieve greater benefit for all concerned compared to holding to the original positions.
    5. Agreement 
Agreement can be achieved once understanding of both sides’ viewpoints and interests have been considered. It is essential to for everybody involved to keep an open mind in order to achieve an acceptable solution.  Any agreement needs to be made perfectly clear so that both sides know what has been decided.
   6. Implementation of a course of action
From the agreement, a cross of action has to be implemented to carry through the decision.

   Rejection in business is the act of refusing to accept, use, or believe someone or something.
Successful entrepreneurs don’t let rejection get them down. Instead, they learn from it and use it to grow their businesses. Here are four ways to turn rejection to your advantage.
1. Do the math
If you take every rejection personally, you’ll struggle to grow your business. Try taking the personal out of the rejection equation. One technique many salespeople use: Track how many contacts, cold calls or sales calls you have to make before you get to “yes.” It is possible to quantify the average number of attempts it takes to get a sale. If you do this, you can look at every “no” as one step closer to that “yes.” Instead of getting defeated by rejection, you’ll grow to see it as just one step on the path to your ultimate goal.

2. Ask questions and listen to the answersWhen a prospect doesn’t buy or a potential partner doesn’t follow through with the deal, ask them their reason for saying no—and listen carefully to their answer. Your goal is not to try and change their mind (although that may be the ultimate outcome) but simply to learn. Urge them to be completely honest—and don’t get defensive. Simply listen to their reasons, ask more questions if you need to, and then thank them for their honesty. Their reasons for saying no may surprise you.

3. Assess the problemOnce you know why the other person rejected your offer, you can evaluate whether the problem lies with your business, or whether this particular relationship simply isn’t a good fit. For example, do you regularly hear from prospects that your prices are too high or is it just this particular person who feels that way? If the reason for rejection lies with the other party, and not with your offer, it may be best to just move on to your next prospect.

4. Make changes when warrantedIf you’ve heard the same “complaint” from several prospects or if your efforts to form strategic partnerships with other businesses are regularly rejected due to concerns about your business’s ability to deliver, it’s time to make some changes. Smart entrepreneurs don’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Adjust your approach as needed. If you keep fine-tuning your approach, you’ll likely find that you get fewer “no” and more “yes.”Rejection will never disappear from your business life. And, given the lessons it can teach, you shouldn’t want it to. Facing rejection doesn’t make you a failure—but failing to learn from it just might.

Finding negotiation in business 
   Negotiation is a process where two or more parties with different needs and goals discuss an issue to find a mutually acceptable solution. In business, negotiation skills are important in both informal day-to-day interactions and formal transactions such as negotiating conditions of sale, lease, service delivery, and other legal contracts.
Good negotiations contribute significantly to business success, as they:
  • help you build better relationships
  • deliver lasting, quality solutions - rather than poor short-term solutions that do not satisfy the needs of either party
  • help you avoid future problems and conflicts.
Good negotiators are:
  • flexible
  • creative
  • aware of themselves and others
  • good planners
  • honest
  • win-win oriented
  • good communicators.

Tips for effective negotiation

  • confuse negotiation with confrontation - you should remain calm, professional and patient
  • become emotional - remember to stick to the issue, don't make it personal, and avoid becoming angry, hostile or frustrated
  • blame the other party if you can´t achieve your desired outcome.
  • be clear about what you are offering and what you need from the other party
  • be consistent with how you present your goals, expectations and objectives
  • set guidelines for the discussion and ensure that you and the other party stick to them throughout the entire process
  • use effective communication skills including positive body language
  • prepare for compromise
  • ask plenty of questions
  • pay attention to detail
  • put things in writing.


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